Cupformet brysttape som puster, perfekt til kjolen med lav rygg. Designet for stroppeløse kjoler og kjoler med bar rygg. Pustende med nydelige diskre blonder. Løfting av brystet: Som to U-former, løfter brysttapen ved hjelp av mekanikkprinsippet. Slik løftes brystene opp for å oppnå formings- og løfteeffekten. Selvklebende design uten stropper, ingen risting, behagelig og naturlig.
NB: Brystet må være tørt uten krem eller annet, for at tapen skal sitte ordentlig. Så huden må være helt ren og tørr før du setter de på.
Pakken inneholder 1 par. (2 stk)
Farge: Nude
Str M-3XL
M= B-Cup (21,5 x 12 cm)
L= C- Cup (22 x 13 cm)
XL= D-Cup (22,5 x 14 cm)
XXL= E-Cup (23 x 15 cm)
3XL= F-Cup (23,5 x 16 cm)
På Lager
Viktig informasjon og hvordan du setter de på:
1. Wash your hands and chest skin before use, and let the skin dry before you start using it.
2. Do not apply moisturizers and other skin care products on the chest before use, so as not to reduce the stickiness of the chest stickers and affect the firmness of the paste.
3. Gently peel the white release paper covered on the back of the product along the opening.
4. Before standing in front of the mirror, align the dust film in the middle of the back of the nipple with the RT position, gently attach the cloth to the skin, and then gently massage the chest to make the nipple and skin intact. You have to be affixed together, and the other nipple can repeat this action.
5. When you tear it off, hold the chest with one hand and gently peel off the edge of the nipple with the other hand until the whole piece is torn off. The movement should be gentle, and the tearing will cause skin injury.
6. After use, please discard the nipples in the trash can. This is a one-time use of chest products.
Package Included:
2 Pair x Breast Petals
1. Do not use during lactation.
2. Do not use if the adhesive part is damaged.
3. Do not use women with extremely sensitive skin.
1. If there is a slight itching during use, it is recommended to stop using it immediately. Due to the diversity of human skin, even if it meets environmental requirements, it cannot be guaranteed for all non-sensitive skin groups.
2. It is recommended that the first use should not exceed eight consecutive hours.